About Us
The purpose of the Black Hills Sportsmen Club is to promote the conservation, sound management and sustainable use of wildlife and wildlife habitat and to protect the privilege of sportsmen to hunt and fish through advocacy and education.
Board Members:
President – Cody Hodson
- Contact: hodson1116@gmail.com
Vice President – Pete Koupal
- Contact: pkbighorn@gmail.com
Secretary/Treasurer – Jeff Olson
- Contact: baetis605@gmail.com
Members at Large
- Gary Brundige - garyb@vastbb.et
- Shelly Deisch - houseozoid@vastbb.net
- Paul Barber - pauljbarber@hotmail.com
- Paul Vinatieri - pvinny4@hotmail.com
- Tom Krafka - tkrafka@gmail.com
- Eric Porsch - ericporisch@hotmail.com
- Leon Fenhaus - l.fenhaus@aol.com
- Individuals are appointed to these groups by government agencies for the purpose of providing input from the conservation groups they represent. If you have any questions about these groups, please contact our appointed members listed below.
- Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) -- Cody Hodson
- Elk Management -- Jeff Olson
- baetis605@gmail.com
- Turkey Management -- Paul Vinatieri
- Deer Habitat & Access -- Jeff Olson
- baetis605@gmail.com
- Rapid City Wildlife Management -- Tom Krafka & Terry Mayes
- tkrafka@gmail.com
- lmayes@rap.midco.net
- Members on Conservation Group Boards:
- South Dakota Wildlife Federation Board of Directors -- Terry Mayes & Jeff Olson
- lmayes@rap.midco.net
- baetis605@gmail.com
- Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation -- Jerry Hirrshoff
- National Wild Turkey Foundation -- Randy Gaskins
- Safari Club International -- Paul Vinatieri
- South Dakota Game Fish & Parks Foundation -- Tom Krafka
BHSC Projects:
- Annual donations to Hooked on Hardware
- Sponsor 4-6 kids per year to attend the South Dakota Wildlife Federation Youth Camp
- Donate $1500 per year to the South Dakota Youth Hunting Adventures program. We also have many members who mentor kids through this amazing program.
- Founder and donor of the South Dakota Sportsmen Against Huner program
- Active in measures to keep Rapid Creek clean through Adopt-A-Creek program
- Support and donate to the Rapid City Outdoor Learning Center
- Active on annual legislation that concerns wildlife, habitat, outdoor recreation and all resources that are important in protecting these important activities
- Run the annual Hunting Film Tour. This is also our big fundraiser for the year.
- Donate Funds and manpower to other conservation groups as needed
We have many members that sit on working groups and other conservation groups that are important in meeting our mission statement for the club.
Check out the sites of some of our affiliates here:
South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks
South Dakota Wildlife Federation
South Dakota Youth Hunting Adventures
South Dakota Sportsmen Against Hunger