| PO BOX 9161, Rapid City, SD 57709

June 2024 Newsletter


June 2024

Renew online at OR send us a check to PO BOX 9161, Rapid City, SD 57709 

Greetings From Your President

Well, who had success in the elk draw? I know I’ll be riding the pine this season. I always hear a lot of grumblings about the elk draw system, but I think we all just need to remember that they’re just isn’t enough elk to go around with the number tags requested. No matter how you draw up the system some people are just not going to get a tag.

I guess I never did hear who drew the sheep tags either anybody in the group know?

The Black Hills sportsman club has a couple of big events coming up that we could use a couple volunteers for. The stream cleanup we just need stream cleaners it it really turns out to be a fun day. We also have a couple members that typically need a personal lifeguard to assist in the stream cleanup. I hope we can get a few people to turn out for the cleanup. I think Jeff’s making some gourmet barbecue.

We are also hosting the annual banquet for the Wildlife Federation in August. Please RSVP. I’d like to get a few members there to show good representation of the club.

See everybody at the luncheon

Send us your hunting Pictures. We need to spice up the photos section.

~Cody Hodson~

This month will be fish story time. Please bring some pics of some big fish and story or two. We also discuss some proposed management goals on Deerfield Lake.
We have two big events coming up that we would really like our members to be a part of....Please!
You can just show up for the June 9th event ( Stream clean up and BBQ) but we need you to RSVP for the awards banquet of the SDWF Aug 17th.  Some local conservationists will be receiving  some recognition they deserve. 

1. The Black Hills Sportsmen Club with be sponsoring the South Dakota Wildlife Federations annual board meeting Aug 17th in Rapid City. Saturday night there will be a banquet and small auction. All members are free to attend. Please let me know soon if you will be interested in attending. We are trying to get a handle on meals and how big of room we may need. Door open at 6pm at the Hilton Garden Inn. There will be door prizes and conservation awards will be given.
Our club will also be sponsoring a cocktail hour Friday night, Aug 16th, for the the SDWF board members at the Hilton Garden in bar. 5pm. Feel free to attend that event also and meet the board members that spend a lot of time on issues that are important to our club.

2. TROUT not Trash Black Hills FlyFishers event

June 9th  9am at Founders Park  Rapid City

This will be full day of activities including free food and free beer at Lost Cabin Brewery. Donuts and coffee will be provided at 9am and stream clean up crews will be assigned beats for stream cleaning. Bring waders and proper gloves. Bags will be provided.

Return back to founders park at noon for lunch and get directions for the next activity.
The One Fly event will start at 1pm. The club for boys will be tying the flies for this event. There will be 20 entries at $10. One fly will be in an envelope that will be drawn. One fly, you lose it, you are done. Prizes will be given for biggest fish and the most fish brought to net. Picture must be taken of fish in a net in the water.

We will all gather at Lost Cabin at 3pm.  Many prizes will be given to stream cleaners and fisherman.  Lost Cabin is a big sponsor of this event. There are providing some prizes AND beer.
The Black Hills Fly Fishers is sponsor along with the Black Hills Sportsmen Club providing all the food for the day. 

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We have put a lot of time into the web page also. If anyone has input or would like us to add to our webpage please email us at 

~ Jeff Olson, Treasurer ~

Terry Mayes. 
Spotted at long range while scouting.  No way to get close.  Set up on grassy a knoll.  Called the bird to approx. 10 yards.  Took about 20 minutes.  Could see him for all but last 50 yards as he had to climb hill I was calling from.  Last gobble about 20 yards down hill but gave me perfect angle to line up shot.  As he crested hill I got a successful head shot.  18.5 “ with 7.5 “ beard.    Note other photo with brother Larry and his bird taken a hour later.

Larry Mayes
21.5 pounds with 8.5 “ beard. This bird had been sparring with several others.  Note the feather damage.

  Upcoming Events


June 4th - BHSC Monthly Member Meeting
Speaker: Fish Stories
Location: Rushmore Inn & Suites
Time: 11:45 am

June 9th - Stream Clean Up
Location: Founders Park
Time: 9am & 3pm at Lost Cabin


July 2nd - BHSC Monthly Member Meeting
Speaker: SDWF Presentation
Location: Rushmore Inn & Suites
Time: 11:45 am

August 6th - BHSC Monthly Member Meeting
Speaker: TBD
Location: Rushmore Inn & Suites
Time: 11:45 am

August 16th - SD Wildlife Federation Annual Board Meeting Cocktail Hour
Location: Hilton Garden Bar
Time: 5pm

August 17th - SD Wildlife Federation Annual Board Meeting 
RSVP is required for this event 

Location: Hilton Garden Inn
Time: 6pm

Interested in volunteering for Outdoor Campus West?

For anyone interested in being a volunteer mentor please contact Clint Whitley. 

Clint (contact for volunteer hunting/shooting mentors - Hunting 101)

For other kinds of volunteering - please visit their website linked below:


- Quote of the Month - 
"To remain a hunter is to be too bonded to nature to ever be able to fully master the animal, or to escape its fate".
 James Martel